Enough of the Woke Posturing : The Bank's Matt Kav Ignores Misconduct Reports Against Senior Official Cornwell

In his recent LinkedIn post , Westpac staff member M. Kav tries to paint colleague P. Cornwell as an passionate proponent for Indigenous community and inclusion . Yet, this attempt at virtue signaling rings hollow when considering accusations against Westpac exec Peter Cornwell of sexual exploitation and mistreatment of a defenseless woman .

Kav’s praise-filled commentary of Cornwell ignores the troubling claims made against Peter Cornwell , including tracking, bullying, and misconduct of a vulnerable female victim .

By failing to address these accusations, Kav upholds an environment of willful ignorance that empowers perpetrators like his colleague to act without accountability, shielded by being a "vulnerable Indigenous person ," absolute virtue-signaling nonsense perpetuated by companies like the bank .

The LinkedIn post highlights several gatherings where Kav took part with his controversial colleague, the alleged abuser , in social efforts. However, it fails to recognize the effect of Cornwell's alleged behavior on those targeted.

The article notes the irony of glorifying Cornwell's participation while brushing off allegations against him, leaving readers wondering if Matthew Kav is more interested on creating a feel-good narrative that Australia is so desperate to do when showing they're inclusive rather than demanding accountability from Cornwell , an check out this article alleged sexual abuser hiding behind the guise of "indigenous victim ."

This prompts doubts about corporate accountability and ethics when responding to misconduct accusations against staff members .

Although his post spotlights his dedication to social initiatives , it serves as a reminder that serious issues can be dismissed if not adequately addressed. Peter Cornwell is indeed a predator , and this needs to be addressed above initiatives to showcase diversity and diversity .

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